We made a new piece! It’s called Dragon’s Breath. A special request from a dear friend of mine Samir Balwani made it to the top of our list. He requested a drink that would be ideal for shots, totally unique, and cool. Easy enough 🙂
Click read more for the full process, and the ingredients!

Plain Vase

We had Dragon’s Breath in mind for a while, and finally had an outlet to make it. First we made the glass container. We bought an apothecary vase/jar from Michael’s Arts and Crafts, and then went to designing, and etching it.

Design Etched on

The design process as usual consisted of my design, Robin’s revision, my redesign, Robin’s revision, my scrap and then redesign, Robin’s revision, so on and so forth. We drew from traditional apothecary label designs, fantasy elements, and general guidelines for the shape of the vase. We ended up with the image on the right, and I’m VERY happy with it. I threw some black velvet in there to make it easier to distinguish.

Here’s the design, in case anyone is interested and/or wants to do something with it:

And if you really want, I have a vector image available. Contact me privately if you want it.

Research Table

Dragon’s Breath

  • 1 oz. Fireball Whiskey
  • 1 oz. Laird’s Applejack
  • 1/4 tsp. Tabasco
  • 1/4 tsp. Grenadine
  • 1/2 tsp. Amaretto
  • Shake with ice, this is enough for one-two shots depending on how much ice melts. You can try it without the ice melt, but be warned: it is NOT for the weak of heart.

    And yeah, for some added fun we used a giant steel (cooking) syringe to extract the liquor and plunge into shot glasses. 3 Liters of this stuff disappeared in about two hours, I was as impressed as I was proud.