Dragon’s Breath

Dragon’s Breath

We made a new piece! It’s called Dragon’s Breath. A special request from a dear friend of mine Samir Balwani made it to the top of our list. He requested a drink that would be ideal for shots, totally unique, and cool. Easy enough 🙂 Click read more for the...
GeekGlassware LLC is official!

GeekGlassware LLC is official!

Yay, I filed for an LLC. That makes me a CEO. Kind of cool I guess. I don’t feel any different, am I supposed to be getting a package in the mail that teaches me how to be a jerk, or will that just happen over time? ha ha, just kidding. Seriously, though:...
Geek Glassware Launching soon

Geek Glassware Launching soon

Here’s a snap of our starting inventory. Just finished up all these glasses last night 🙂 After some personal fulfillment we will be putting them on Etsy! geekglassware.com
renderDragon Glass (For Akshay!)

renderDragon Glass (For Akshay!)

I decided to make some glasses for my brother. He co-owns and operates a relatively new game development company, renderDragon. I made this pair of glasses for him with some help. Also, my first experiment into depth and layering the sand blasting. I’m happy...
Firefly Glass!

Firefly Glass!

Serenity Firefly, not the bug firefly. Here’s the glass in a clearer, less artsy picture. It’s a bit big, so I had to take two photos. The etching process lends itself to a loss of some detail, which I’m working on improving but it’s still...