Merry Christmas Robin!

Merry Christmas Robin!

We shared our gifts early, and now I can share mine to Robin with you early 🙂 For her Christmas present I took a page out of my buddy’s book and made her a brand. Business cards, personal web-portfolio-resume-thing, customized laptop, and a very special Robin at...
View websites in 3D models

View websites in 3D models

it’s pretty neat! Check out the firefox add-on here: and the blog about it: after you set it up, simply press Ctrl+Shift+M and BAM all 3-Dness in your face (or command+shift+M for...

Yet another new web page launch

[wdgpo_plusone] What can I say, I get bored easily and I like starting new projects. It gives me inspiration! Anywho, enjoy! I’m dropping all pretense and just saying screw it. I’m a big steam punk fan, and I’m showing it with this...